2021 | LOVISA HOLDINGS LIMITED | Shareholder Disclosure
Is there a public record of the company’s largest (institutional) shareholders?
Yes, disclosed by an external party
updated over 2 years ago by Scanlon Williams

A list of shareholders is available at: https://my.ibisworld.com/au/en/company-reports/421934/shareholders

Scanlon Williams.....2021-08-06 12:10:01 UTC

A one-off or subscription fee is needed to access the report about Lovisa on IBIS World.

It is stated on IBIS World that they hold information about:

1. Lovisa Holdings Limited’s ultimate parent and largest shareholders; and

2. A list of Lovisa Holdings Limited’s associated companies, holding company and trusts.

Tess Nagle.....2021-08-09 02:19:16 UTC