Value Type
This brand provides no information on the supplier factories and garment workers in its supply chain which is required by the transparency pledge.
This brand provides some, but not enough information on the supplier factories and garment workers in its supply chain.
This brand provides some information beyond the basics, but falls short of the minimum needed for the transparency pledge.
This brand provides some information beyond the basics, in a practical, machine-readable format, but but falls short of the minimum needed for the transparency pledge.
This brand provides some, but not enough information on the factories and garment workers in its supply chain - it publishes in a practical, machine-readable format.
This brand provides basic information like factory names and addresses, product type, number of workers, and supplier group, if the factory is part of a larger entity.
This brand provides information beyond the basics such as the gender composition of the workforce, if there is a union or if there is a collective bargaining agreement in place.
This brand provides information beyond the basics in a practical, machine-readable format such as Excel spreadsheets which makes the data usable for others.
This brand provides basic information in a practical, machine-readable format such as Excel spreadsheets which makes the data usable for others.
Research Policy
Designer Assessed
Report Type
Aggregate Data Report