Clean Clothes Campaign+Living Wages Paid Score+methodology

  • The brand does not (claim to) pay a living wage to any of its workers: E
  • The brand claims that between 1 and 25% of its supplier factories pay workers a living wage. This information is public: D
  • The brand claims that it has started to contribute towards payment of a Living Wage, including paying significantly higher labour costs that cover a Living Wage into prices paid to all suppliers and evidence is public: D
  • The brand claims that between 26 and 50% of its supplier factories pay workers a living wage. This is public information: C
  • The brand claims that 50% or more of its supplier factories are paying a living wage to all their workers, explanation is given but the evidence is not public: C
  • The brand claims that more than 50% of supplier factories in the brand’s supply chain pay workers a living wage. This information is public: B
  • The company claims that 100% of supplier factories in the brand’s supply chain pay workers a living wage. This information is public: A

Clean Clothes Campaign+Living Wages Paid Score+methodology


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