Question: Has the company established an Net Zero interim target for 2030?
Chris Adams
Klockner & Co
Unverified - Added by Steward
updated over 1 year ago by Chris Adams

"With those targets, Klöckner & Co will achieve a 50% reduction in its scope 1 and 2 missions– meaning emissions associated with the business itself, such as from Company-owned vehicles and purchased energy – by 2030. In Scope 3, the Company will likewise reduce directly controllable emissions (such as from business travel) by 50% by 2030. Non-directly -1 controllable emissions (Scope 3 – for example, bought-in products and services) will be cut by 30% by 2030. These near-term targets are in line with the latest scientific findings and with the Paris Climate Agreement providing for global warming to be limited to a maximum of 1.5° C"

Chris Adams.....2022-11-01 20:52:40 UTC