Question: Did the company produce a statement in relation to any Modern Slavery legislation or Act?
Yes - UK Modern Slavery Act,
Yes - Australian Modern Slavery Act
Modern Slavery Statement

pg. 34

“This statement constitutes the modern slavery and human trafficking statement for the financial year ending December 31, 2021 of Mars, Incorporated and all its applicable subsidiaries which fall within the scope of section 54(2) of the UK Modern Slavery Act 2015, including Mars Wrigley Confectionery UK Limited, Mars Petcare UK and Mars Food UK Limited, Crown Pet Foods Limited and Linnaeus Veterinary Limited. The statement was approved by the boards of directors of its relevant UK subsidiaries, pursuant to section 54(2), in June 2022.”

“This statement constitutes the modern slavery statement for the financial year ending December 31, 2021 of Mars, Incorporated and its applicable subsidiaries which fall within the Australian Commonwealth Modern Slavery Act of 2018, including Mars Wrigley Australia Holding Pty Ltd and Royal Canin Australia Pty Ltd. (the “reporting entities”).”

Manali Rana.....2023-02-14 09:32:25 UTC