Global Reporting Initiative+Reclaimed Products (%), GRI 301-3 (formerly G4-EN28)+methodology

For this metric question you are being asked to identify the percentage of reclaimed products used by the organization for a specific year. Start by searching publicly available documents like Annual and CSR reports.  

Keywords and search terms for this metric

- Material

- Product

- Reclaimed

- Input material

- 301-3


- GRI Index

Answers & Calculations

Once you have found the answer, make sure the unit of measurement fits to the question on WikiRate. If it does not, convert or calculate the answer and document your approach in the Comments field below. Select the 'Unknown' answer box if the company has not published the data.

Always include the page number where you found the answer in the Comments field below. 


Companies may report reclaimed products as a weight rather than a percentage. To calculate the percentage divide the reclaimed product weight by the total product weight and multiply by 100.