view (metric_row) not supported for Global Reporting Initiative+Product and service information/labeling incidents of non-compliance resulting in a fine, GRI 417-2 (formerly G4-PR4)
view (metric_row) not supported for Global Reporting Initiative+Product and service information/labeling incidents of non-compliance resulting in a warning, GRI 417-2 (formerly G4-PR4)
view (metric_row) not supported for Global Reporting Initiative+Product and service information/labeling incidents of non-compliance with voluntary codes, GRI 417-2 (formerly G4-PR4)
view (metric_row) not supported for Global Reporting Initiative+Health and Safety incidents of non-compliance fined, GRI 416-2-a1 (formerly G4-PR2-a1)
view (metric_row) not supported for Global Reporting Initiative+Health and Safety incidents of non-compliance - warning, GRI 416-2-a2 (formerly G4-PR2-a2)
view (metric_row) not supported for Global Reporting Initiative+Health and Safety incidents of non-compliance - voluntary codes, GRI 416-2-a3 (formerly G4-PR2-a3)
view (metric_row) not supported for Global Reporting Initiative+Social screening of new suppliers, GRI 414-1 (G4-SO9-a)
view (metric_row) not supported for Global Reporting Initiative+Suppliers assessed for social impact, GRI 414-2-a (formerly G4-SO10-a)
view (metric_row) not supported for Global Reporting Initiative+Suppliers with actual negative social impacts, GRI 414-2-b1 (formerly G4-SO10-b1)
view (metric_row) not supported for Global Reporting Initiative+Suppliers with potential negative social impacts, GRI 414-2-b2 (formerly G4-SO10-b2)
view (metric_row) not supported for Global Reporting Initiative+Water discharge impact (GRI Standard 306-5)
view (metric_row) not supported for Global Reporting Initiative+Incidents of Corruption (GRI Standard 205-3-a)
view (metric_row) not supported for Global Reporting Initiative+Water discharge quality (GRI Standard 306-1)
view (metric_row) not supported for Global Reporting Initiative+Collective bargaining (GRI 102-41)
view (metric_row) not supported for Global Reporting Initiative+Water Volume Recycled (GRI 303-3)
view (metric_row) not supported for Global Reporting Initiative+Water Recycled (%) (GRI 303-3)
view (metric_row) not supported for Global Reporting Initiative+Seawater withdrawals, GRI 303-3-a
view (metric_row) not supported for Global Reporting Initiative+Fines for socioeconomic non-compliance, GRI 419-1
view (metric_row) not supported for Global Reporting Initiative+Non-monetary sanctions for socioeconomic non-compliance, GRI 419-1
view (metric_row) not supported for Global Reporting Initiative+Cases brought through dispute mechanisms for socioeconomic non-compliance, GRI 419-1