Edidiong Uwemakpan+Image
Use of Recycled Precious Metal
Does the company use recycled metal for its jewellery?
Edidiong Uwemakpan

About the data

A typical gold ring results in 20 tons of mine waste, and more than 80% of gold mined in the world is used for jewellery. Metal mining in the United States is the single largest toxic polluter. Since metal can be melted down, refined and reused for fine jewellery without compromising the metal's integrity, recycled metal is a sustainable alternative for consumers concerned about the environmental impacts of mining.

Search the company's Corporate Social Responsibility Report for the phrase "recycled precious metal". If this is mentioned, read the surrounding information to determine if it was mentioned in passing or whether the company is taking steps to reduce environmental pollution due to metal refining..

  • If it is clear that the company is taking steps to reduce this toxic pollution, the answer for this metric is Yes.

  • If this is not mentioned, or is done only in passing, enter No as the value.

Value Type
Research Policy
Community Assessed
Report Type
Corporate Social Responsibility Report