Cannot change value type+Status
Cannot change value type+*when created
Wednesday, February 28, 2018 01:56 PM UTC

Cannot change value type+screenshot

Cannot change value type+screenshot

Cannot change value type+Discussion

Poor caching gets blamed for everything.

Ethan McCutchen.....2018-03-02 04:08:43 UTC

The error is legit. Those values are still there. See

Business Human Rights Resource Centre+Modern Slavery Act statement+Herman Miller+2016

Business Human Rights Resource Centre+Modern Slavery Act statement+The Hershey Company+2013

Business Human Rights Resource Centre+Modern Slavery Act statement+Whistles Limited+2016

Business Human Rights Resource Centre+Modern Slavery Act statement+Bank of America+2016

and this very special value for the year "YES":

Business Human Rights Resource Centre+Modern Slavery Act statement+Imperial Brands+YES

Philipp Kuehl.....2018-03-05 14:12:36 UTC

we resolved this one, yes?

Ethan McCutchen.....2018-03-28 12:57:30 UTC